Monday, April 16, 2012

Journal Entry 4

April 14th, 1967

After months of planning, Arthur and I finally got married for eternity. I am with child! I'm not entirely sure of it's sex right now. I know me and Arthur will make amazing parents. Arthur is so gentle and sweet. He will make a great father.

I can't wait to teach my child how to read and write. How does one get so lucky? Marrying the man I love and having his children fills me with joy. Arthur has been in my life since I was younger. I'm so happy we're finally together forever.

Carmen was so tragic. It is my favorite opera! 

Siegfried was amazing.

The Wedding!

Finally after years of courting, we are getting married! I love Arthur.

Journal Entry 3

December 13th, 1865

He proposed last night after Carmen! I was so surprised. I cried like an infant. We're planning on marrying very soon. I can't wait to tell my friends. Arthur makes me so happy. He had asked my father for my hand weeks ago, he told me. He hadn't had the courage to ask. He thought I would say no! Can you believe that?

I can't wait until we are married. I want 2 children. I want one boy and one girl. We will be so happy together. Arthur will be mine for eternity! I still can't believe he finally proposed! Carmen was great, but the proposal made my night.

Journal Entry 2

November 24th, 1865

Goodness me. 'Siegfried' was so much fun! We went to the Opera. I enjoyed that so much. Elizabeth was impressed. I'm sure of it! She never ceases to surprise me. 

After we left the Opera, we went on a carriage ride through downtown Manchester. We reflected on how good it was. I had so much fun. I hope our next date will be just as exciting. I'm inviting her to go see 'Carmen', I know she'll love it. I plan on marrying Jessica soon.

Journal Entry 1

November 17th, 1865

Today is the day. Arthur and I are going to the opera tonight to see 'Siegfried' by Richard Wagner. I can't wait! I have so much to do. I have to do my hair first. Jane and Sarah are coming over to help me get ready for my date. They are bringing me a new dress. 

I think Arthur might propose tonight. I hope he does. We haven't been anywhere this special in weeks! I'm so ecstatic. Anyways, I must get ready. The girls are here to help. Hopefully all goes well tonight!